About Us
Hi there π!
We're Eddy and Paige and we're a perpetually hungry couple who love blogging our food adventures in Perth and beyond!

We both love food.
In fact, I grew up here to first generation Chinese-Vietnamese immigrants, who continue to operate in the Cantonese restaurant scene here in Perth. Paige spent her formative years in a Malaysian-Chinese (Hakka / Peranakans) household in Kuala Lumpur and Jarkarta before moving to Perth.
We eventually met while working at a famous Japanese restaurant. Then we fell in love and started a blog together. Collectively, we've both spent nearly two decades working in hospo!
If you ever want to chat, drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Thanks for reading!
Eddy & Paige
Some fun facts
How did peko peko start?
Paige wanted to document what, where and when we ate, while Eddy had a camera which was gathering dust. As a result, we decided to formalise our love for food in the form of an Instagram account in mid 2019 and we haven't looked back!
How old are you guys?
We're both millennials and grew up playing up on our Game Boy Color and Cheez TV (for Eddy at least).
What does peko peko mean?
γγγ³γγ³γor "peko peko" (pronounced peck-o peck-o) is Japanese onomatopoeia which describes the sound an empty stomach makes.
Why peko peko?
We chose "peko peko" as it's a reflection of our Japan filled upbringings and our love for Japanese food and culture.
As with lots of things Japan there is as poetic meaning behind peko peko too. The P and E refers to Paige and Eddy, while "ko" means mouth in Japanese. So.. Paige - Eddy - mouth π (close enough to food, right?).
What camera / gear do you use to take photos?
In short - we use a Sony A7iii and a Tamron 28-75 f2.8 (1st gen) 99% of the time. Please refer to our Gear page if you want more details.